Veda finds Snake in the Lights

We know the light is an electromagnetic wave. It has both electric property and magnetic property. The wave propagation is Serpent. Two Energies propagate in two different plane like TWO SNAKES.,same%20thing%20called%20electromagnetic%20radiation.

Here I am showing from the Veda ,we is adoring the snakes.


This snake is present in the light and it is coming from the Sun through the light and it is also present in the waves and current of the water, it is also present in the brain and mind , in the power and our life force. so now think,this snake is not like any reptiles as you’re looking. They have extended their thoughts in the power and energy and which is a scientific fact.
This is the way of our Indian worshipping. We are worshipping the Supreme in His or Her or Both infinite Souls, Energies , ways of expression and materials, Not THAT OBJECT ONLY.

Source from the KRISHNA Yaju

Veda and concept of Matter.

The attribution of the Brhma is Sat Chit Anandam. “Sat”means present. One who is always present in all and everything. That is the Matter in Physics. Wherefrom it has come in the Universe? From Nothing/Void/Sunyo/ Matter less. So this is “Asat”
This Matter has created the Elements or “Vuta’.Elements has been evolved as this visible World. Future or “Bhabya” depends on the arrangement of the elements/”Bhuta” at Present.

Veda and Hereditary Disease.

I am giving here the evidence of hereditary diseases and it’s way of treatment from Atharva Veda.

“Kshetriat”means coming from own ancestors. That means hereditary. This reference has been given from the Atharva Veda. If people likes I can give its details. 2nd Kanda 2nd Anubak page 47.

The Translation
The Sukta